Building and Planning

Click Here to see and contribute to the intriguing story of Napanee’s infamous landmark. The fence is rented. How much is it costing us?  Is there even the slightest chance any of our costs will ever be recovered? How did we end up with this ugly mess, highly visible from the steps of Town Hall? And it’s a heritage building too…

Our Building Inspection Department:

We have 3 building inspectors and a supervisor.  In 2014, the last year for which information is available, 234 building permits were issued.  The cost of running the department was $293,706 of which $247,890 was for salaries. Source: 2014 FIR 

On March 22, 2016 a Draft Development Services Manual was presented to council.



Our Urban Planning:

Greater Napanee has never had an in-house planner. Planning services have always been contracted out to  John Uliana of IBI Group in Kingston who recently retired. The position has never been tendered.  How much does this cost the municipality? How much does it cost applicants who have no choice but to retain and pay for his services?  Are all of the detailed reviews of even minor variances really necessary? Would it save the Town and the public money to do this in-house.   A 5-year review of the zoning by-law is to be done this year. Should it be tendered or just handed off to IBI again?



Swiss Cheese

The by-law has been amended numerous times and there are now numerous “Special Exception” zones where special provisions apply.  Each application to amend has cost the applicant fees for staff time and the planner’s fee. The zone map, if you can find one, looks like a piece of Swiss cheese. Why is it necessary to repeatedly amend a by-law that is supposed to be “comprehensive”? Is it time to do a comprehensive review of the provisions to see why it is so frequently found to be unworkable?

We need some content here folks. Please contribute your stories. We know there’s lots of them out there.



What are permitted uses in our “Business Park”?

It started out as our “Industrial Park”. At some point it became our “Business Park”. In Napanee’s business park, pretty much anything goes. A sheltered workshop is sandwiched between the regional jail and a metal fabrication plant with Continental Conveyors across the road.  The former CAS building, now occupied by Lennox & Addington Resources for Children, Lamplighter Day Care, Kingston Literacy and Ontario Native Women’s Association, is across the street from a factory that processes industrial waste and Continential Conveyors. And a methadone clinic is located in the same building as a credit union.  All of these are permitted uses anywhere in the “Business Park.”  At left, the view from the former CAS building.



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NRP Directors

Explore Napanee

There is no cost to join and/or receive our newletters by e-mail. Everyone is welcome to contribute content.  Just click on Make Comments Here at the top of any page to post a comment on any issue on this website. We’ve only been up since May 17, 2015 and we’re anxious to build content on issues of interest to everyone in the Town of Greater Napanee.  Shortly, we’ll be adding blogs on each page which will allow you to contribute on-line. We’ll also be adding a module which will let you join on-line and receive our free newsletter.  In the meantime, just send an e-mail to to get our newsletter.

Hubert Hogle 532-3672

Dennis Mills 354-6375

Arthur Ronald 354-4291

We have added six additional directors, John Wilson, Judy Wood, John Stinson, Briane Birney, Suzy Sheltler and Anne Hogle.  All residents and taxpayers in Greater Napanee are welcome to become members and all interested parties are welcome to receive our regular newsletters and contribute content to the website. If you are interested in serving as a director, let us know.

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