View of abandoned CN line facing south from Advance Avenue.

Our Trails

Many communities have abandoned rail lines.  In many cases these have been converted to walking/bicycle trails.  Not so in Greater Napanee.

The Napanee, Tamworth and Quebec Railway was launched in 1879 to connect the Bay of Quinte to the Ottawa Valley. Developed in stages by several railway companies, the line reached Ottawa in 1913. The last CN train ran on this line in 1979. In 1997, CN donated this line to the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority which maintains a walking/bicycle trail from Strathcona all the way to Ottawa.  The abandoned CN line from Deseronto to Strathcona, most of it within the Town of Greater Napanee, is growing in in weeds, brush and old rail ties. Some of the rails have been removed; some remain. Some sections have been transferred to private ownership but easements could probably be acquired to reconnect the entire trail.  The railway bridge over 401 has abutments which will have to be removed when 401 is widened to 3 lanes around 2025.

See Staff Report January 16, 2007 which states:

“… several breaks in the contiguous ownership of land along the old CN Spur Line have been identified. The Recreation Department Master Plan calls for the establishment of a linear recreational trail and the CN Spur Line would be the most appropriate location for this. As a result, staff recommended that Council authorize staff to pursue the acquisition of the missing pieces of the old CN Spur Line for the purpose of establishing the trail. A report would be prepared for Council consideration and approval prior to any land acquisition.”

See Minutes January 22, 2008 where council authorized staff to pursue the acquisition of the parts sold off.

See Staff Report November 30, 2010 recommending that the Town authorize staff to negotiate to acquire the CN Spur Line from Camden Road to the municipal limits for a cost of $50,000

See also County Trails (bicycle lanes along County Roads)

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NRP Directors

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Hubert Hogle 532-3672

Dennis Mills 354-6375

Arthur Ronald 354-4291

We have added six additional directors, John Wilson, Judy Wood, John Stinson, Briane Birney, Suzy Sheltler and Anne Hogle.  All residents and taxpayers in Greater Napanee are welcome to become members and all interested parties are welcome to receive our regular newsletters and contribute content to the website. If you are interested in serving as a director, let us know.

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