Dog Parks in other communities.

Most communities of our size have at least one dog park. Click here to see a partial listing of dog parks in Ontario.


Kingston has five dog parks Grass Creek Park  – 2991 Hwy. 2 E.  MacLean Trail Park  – 918 Hwy. 15 Meadowbrook Park  – 444 Kingsdale Ave.  Memorial Centre  – 303 York St.  Rotary Park  – 1280 Coverdale Dr.

Dog Park Rules

The intent of the rules and regulations are to provide clear guidelines for off-leash dog areas users. Rules and regulations do not include off-leash areas etiquette which shall be developed in collaboration with the Committee and promoted with the users of off-leash areas. Rules and regulations signage with hours of operations and emergency contact numbers shall be posted at the entrance of each off-leash area:

  1. Poop n’ scoop is mandatory;
  2. Dogs must be kept on-leash until inside the double gated area;
  3. Dog owners and handlers are subject to Ontario Dog Owner’s Liability Act and the City of Kingston Animal Control Bylaw;
  4. Park users and dog owners assume all risks related to off-leash dog area usage;
  5. Owners must have dog tags indicating that their dog has been vaccinated and the dog is currently licensed;
  6. Dogs must be removed by owner or handler from the off-leash dog area if dogs are in heat (female), sick or aggressive;
  7. No more than two dogs may be brought into the off-leash dog area by an individual at the same time;
  8. All children under 12 years of age must be supervised by an adult attendant while inside the off-leash dog area;
  9. No food (this applies to both the human and canine variety), is permitted in the off-leash dog area;
  10. Off-leash areas are smoke free areas;
  11. Choke, spike, chain or pinch collars are not allowed in off-leash area;
  12. Dogs must be under control;
  13. Professional dog trainers are not permitted to use the off-leash areas to conduct their business;
  14. All pit bulls must be muzzled.

Grass Creek Dog Park  is in a 95 acre rural park a 20 minute drive (16 km) from downtown along Highway 2 East, home of the MacLachlan Woodworking Museum. The off-leash area is 8 acres of well-maintained grass fenced with an 8-strand page wire fence on wooden and steel posts. There is a single self-closing gate. There is ample parking and porta-potties nearby. There is no lighting in the off-leash area. There do not appear to be any other amenities there. There are planed improvements, including water access on a portion of the shore for dog walkers, which are shown here.

MacLean Trail Park  – 918 Hwy. 15

This is a 1.3 ac grassy dedicated dog park with double gated access. It has a tight mesh fence, about 5 ft high on wooden fence posts. There is no lighting or other amenities

Meadowbrook Park  – 444 Kingsdale Ave.

This is 1.5 acre, partially grass and partially wooded. There’s a 5ft chain-link fence with a top rail and double gated access.

Here’s a link to an excellent collection of pictures of dogs visiting one of the 5 dog parks at Meadowbrook Park. This should give members a feel for the possibilities and issues with a dog park in Greater Napanee. As you go through these look at the fencing, the park in winter, and the dogs interacting with each other.,-76.5441254,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipO9mF4fiOw685jjrlNW0z5515JeWYVzrSpX18kR!2e10!3e12!!7i3024!8i4032!4m8!1m2!2m1!1sMeadowbrook+Park++-+444+Kingsdale+Ave.!3m4!1s0x4cd2ac64495c2409:0xfa7cca5f6758b592!8m2!3d44.2467722!4d-76.544213?hl=en

Memorial Centre  – 303 York St.

This is 1.5 acre at the Memorial Centre grounds. It has 5ft chain link fence with top rail and two double-gated access points.

Rotary Park  – 1280 Coverdale Dr.
This is located off 33 Hwy near Collins Bay Marina. It has 1.5 acre of grass, gravel, and woods. It has 5 ft chain-link fence with top rail and double-gated access. Also, two picnic tables.


Quinte Dog Park at East Zwick’s Centennial Park near Bay Bridge to Prince Edward County has a 3 acre off-leash dog park. It is fenced with 5ft chain link with top rail.

The Prince Edward Dog Park is located at 7 Lalor St in Delhi Park. This area was built in 2011 and is maintained by The Prince Edward Dog Park Association which is a non-profit organization. The dog park has two free parking lots from which you can access the park. Lalor Street parking lot is located just off York Street and is at the very end of Lalor Street. Mary Street Parking lot is just at the end of Elizabeth Street.


  • use of the dog park is at your own risk
  • all dogs must be leashed when entering and leaving the park
  • all dogs must have current rabies and other vaccinations as required by Prince Edward County
  • dogs must wear current license tags in the park
  • do not leave your dog unattended
  • dogs must be in view of and within voice control of their owner/handler at all times
  • dog owners/handlers must carry a leash with them at all times while in the park
  • dogs showing any sign of aggression must be leashed and removed from the park
  • no bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades or motorized vehicles are allowed in the park
  • there is a maximum of two dogs per adult in the park at any time
  • children under 16 are not permitted in the park alone
  • no other animals may be brought into the fenced area
  • unneutered adult dogs are prohibited
  • dogs in heat are prohibited
  • smoking is prohibited

Loyalist Twp

This has been considered by the Recreation Committee since 2017. Locations included Centennial Park in Odessa and Fairfield Park in Amherstview. The Township included $85,000 for the Loyalist Dog Park in the 2020 budget.

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