Every 4 years MPAC updates it’s assessment of property values in Ontario. The last update was done in 2012.
Property owners in Greater Napanee will receive their latest MPAC notices of assessment starting May 9. The new assessment will be based on January 1, 2017 values and will be applicable for the 2017 to 2020 property tax years. Changes will be phased in over that 4 year period. The deadline to submit a Request for Reconsideration (RfR) is 120 days from the issuance date printed on the Property Assessment Notice.
MPAC advised council on October 21, 2008 that between 2005 and 2008 (3 years), the average residential property in Greater Napanee increased in value by 30.37%. That average was higher for a home with waterfront, and about 25.96 per cent for a home without waterfront.
MPAC advised council on October 23, 2012 that between 2008 and 2012 (4 years), residential property assessment rose 15.65% on average but higher for a home on waterfront. Surprisingly, residential condominiums rose 26.23%.
This page is still under construction. To be added:
average 2016 increase;
how ratepayer can find his 2012 assessment and use it to compare his situation with average increase;
links to further info on how to do a request for reconsideration or appeal.